
Homoeopathic treatment for Lochia in Nepal

Lochia, also known as postpartum bleeding, is a normal discharge of blood and mucus from the uterus after childbirth. It begins right after delivery and can continue for four to six weeks postpartum, with the heaviest flow occurring for the first 10 to 14 days. Some women may have a shorter period of discharge, while others may have lochia for slightly longer than four to six weeks.


Lochia is similar to menstrual blood, but is typically heavier and lasts longer than a normal period. It also contains elements not found in menstrual blood, like remnants from the placenta. As the lochia passes, it may look pink, brown, yellow, or watery. 


For nine months, our uterus has not only housed our baby but our placenta and lots of excess uterine tissue and blood (remember, we are not getting a monthly period!). When our baby is born, the uterus sheds all this extra material through postpartum uterine contractions, which are also normal,they help our uterine shrink back down to its normal size.

The uterus is usually about the size of an orange. By the time onedeliver our baby, it will have stretched to about 38 centimeters, or in other words, the size of a watermelon.


Lochia changes in appearance over time, as the uterus clears out the excess blood and tissue.

  • At first, lochia will look dark red and the flow may be heavy.
  • After about four to 10 days, the lochia should lighten and look pinkish or brownish in appearance.
  • After 10 to 14 days, the lochia should become similar to spotting, like what one may notice just before or after ther period.
  • For the remaining days or weeks, the lochia will look more like watery mucus and will be white or yellow in color. It may also become very irregular.

If one had a cesarean section, one will still have lochia, though it is possible one may have less of it than if one had a vaginal delivery. After a cesarean procedure, doctors inspect the uterine cavity to be sure all of the placenta has been removed; some of what would traditionally pass later as lochia is often removed as well.



Useful for lochia with suppression or scanty discharge, with distress of abdomen, chest and head, probably from sanguineous congestion,Useful for fever with thirst and mental uneasiness.There is sharp cutting pain in abdomen which is sensitive to touch.Given when lochia returns when she begins to walk about house.


Useful for Lochia with very acrid and foetid odor.There is great debility and prostration.


Useful for OFFENSIVE LOCHIA, FEELING HOT TO THE PARTS.There is flushed face and injected eyeballs.Given for great tenderness of abdomen.There is pain in uterine region comes and goes suddenly.


Useful for lochia last too long in leucophlegmatic women who menstruate too profusely from atony of uterine fibres; milky lochia.


Useful for lochia with profuse on second or third day, accompanied with burning and smarting in vagina and urethra.


Useful for BLOODY LOCHIA which last too long and exhaust patient, it seems to ooze passively from the relaxed uterine vessels.


Useful for suppression of lochia, with violent colic, perhaps from anger.Useful for abdomen tympanitic, diarrhoea which aggravate after taking food or drink.


Useful for LOCHIAL DISCHARGE IN DARK STRINGS.There is sensation of something alive in abdomen which becomes greatly distended.


Useful for continuous lochial discharge FOR WEEKS AND MONTHS after confinement.Useful for prolapsus and uterine hyperaesthesia


Useful for lochia which is Offensive black clots, mixed with water.There is excoriating lochia almost ceased to flow, when they freshen up and become more profuse and bloody and again almost disappear to freshen up again.


Useful for lochia when little discharge remains, but it is black and clotted.There is soreness and tenderness in genital, so that she cannot bear to have the usual napkins applied.Useful for intermittentdischarge in gushes cannot bear a warm room.


Useful for Lochia which  make her feel faint as they flow.There is sudden disappearance of milk, Useful for scanty lochial discharge remaining is milky.


Suited to thin scrawny women.There is offensive, thin, scanty or profuse, painless lochia accompanied by prolonged bearing-down pains.


Useful for offensive, very foetid, excoriating discharge, with little sharp shooting pains in the region of the neck of uterus.There is distressing, bearing-down pain in back.